Now that I've thrown two blog posts up here on the Buster Blonde blog I'm feeling awkward. Is this what blogfolk do, just start blogging from nowhere? I think some sort of introduction is in order. So here goes:
I've been writing for Persephone Magazine since 2010. I enjoy the b'heck out of it and since I love writing there so much, I thought it would be fun to start doing a little bloggin' on the side. Also, I tend to jump on trends after they've been around long enough for your mee-maw to have heard of them--you should see the amazing Reebok Pumps I'm wearing right now.
There will probably not be a theme to this blog, but since I don't know what I'm doing, I couldn't say that for sure. I suppose themes will exist insomuch as there are themes to me. Me themes might include: snark, tv, law nerdery, feminism, advocacy, pop culture, music, muzak, tv, ragging on millenials, untested and unapproved style, Barbies (yes, Barbies), weather (who knows, I'm keeping things an umbrella), tv, kittehs, love, social norms, stuff, things, and so on and suchwhat.
If you think you might be interested in what I have to say about stuff and things, stick around. I can't make any promises about whether or not this blog will be any dang good, but I can promise a crisp Vlasic dill pickle to the first five followers (no, I'm not stumping for sponsorship, I just really enjoy a crisp, classic Vlasic, who wouldn't?).
Okay. We're introduced. I feel a little better now. To blogging!
Oh, and your mee-maw does follow me on Twitter, you probably should to.
I "heart" you...