I did have fun taking the test, however, and it got me thinking about the guy who pwned Jeopardy! week after week yet humbly accepted defeat at the hands of a dweeby supercomputer named Watson (which I personally think is a dumb name for a supercomputer, I would have named it something cooler like...Supe...Supey...no, Super Duper...Pooper Shooter the Supercomputer, or Jim), the one and only Ken Jennings. Yeah, I know there are probably, like, two hundred people named Ken Jennings in various phone books throughout the U.S., but you know what I meant.
Ken Jennings is not only a Jeopardy!-slaying beast, he's a pretty funny guy. Which is why today's CPCP is from Ken Jennings' blog, Confessions of a Trivial Mind.
KJ's blog FAQs, the most Jeopardy!-tryout related work of literature on these united webbernets.
I found KJ's responses to the questions frequently asked of him endearing and clever. And now that I know he does a Wordplay Wednesday feature on his blog, I think I'm becoming a fan. What are Ken Jennings fans called, anyway? Jemmings? Like Jennings combined with lemmings? Or human supercomputer superfans...who area also human? That one's kind of wordy. I don't know what we're called (yup, I used "we", so I think that makes my fandom official) but we're out there! Get used to it! Kick rocks, Watsonites!
Crock Pot Recipe:
In honor of today's game show theme, I present crock pot Cornish game hens as today's recipe, courtesy of Greyson Ferguson at About.com.
Happy reading and bon app!
Note: I added a new blog label, "nerdery", relizing that it's superfluous, redundant, iterative, and reiterative, since most of what I have to say is, above most else, nerdish. That being said, this post seemed especially nerdy, so I decided it warranted a nerd warning label. This is similar to a trigger warning, but for people who have nerd aversion.