Thursday, May 10, 2012

CPCP: You Have Beautiful Eyeballs

Today's Crosspost comes from Persephone Magazine, my favorite ever online feminist mag. And, yes, I wrote it. We've already addressed the fact that I'm very self-promotional, so get off my beans about it!


We Try It!: Pickup Lines

Crock Pot Recipe:

What else? Date pudding! (from's Southern Food page).

Happy reading and bon app!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Crock Pot Crosspost: Rock This Test!

I'm taking the Millers Analogy Test tomorrow which means: a) I don't have time to go poking around the webbernets today looking for something neat to crosspost and comment on; and b) I need to get pumped up!


In light of both a) and b), I present: the Rock This Test! music video created by the 5th graders of Centennial Arts Academy in Gainesville, Georgia. It's inspirational power speaks for itself, no commentary required.

And I am going to...ROCK THIS TEST! [Insert motivational side kick, WTAAH!]

Crock Pot Recipe

Spinach and lentils are two of the brainest foods around. Spinach is rich in Vitamin E and lentils have all that good glucose so Double Lentil, Sausage, Brown Rice, and Spinach Soup from Kalyn's Kitchen makes for the perfect pre-test meal. Who knew your crock pot could make you both brawny AND brainy? That's two Smurfs in one, a very good value. Like test rocking, value shopping is a smart people pasttime.

Happy reading and bon app!

p.s. For those of you who know me in meatspace (I just learned that word so it's still really funny to me, and it makes me picture this) you may be wondering why I am considering applying to graduate school when I already have a doctorate. Well, it's because I want another one. Like the Kanye album says, "You know what keeps me warm at night? That's right! Those degrees."